Ankit Joshi
Frontend Developer, Blogger and a Quick learner
I have experience building pixel-perfect Web apps, proficient in Frontend. I write articles around JavaScript and ReactJS.
Web development languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Frontend framework/library: React
State mangement: Redux
Version Control: Git and Github
Additional technologies: TypeScript, JEST, Webpack
Featured Projects
Some major projects I have worked on
Post-it: Social Media
Pos-it is a social media platform, with CRUD functionalities such as follow users, like posts and comments, add comment, zoom post images, edit profile data, etc.
Stream-it: Video Library
Stream-it is a fully functional video streaming platform. It has personalised features like watch later, history and playlist management.
Master-GoGo Clothing Store: Ecommerce
Master-GoGo Clothing Store is an ecommerce website. With a beautiful UI, Sorting/Filtering of casual clothes, saving them to your wishlist and cart, and payment integration using Razorpay.
Digi-notes: Notes taking app
Digi-notes is a fully functional notes application with CRUD functionalities such as add, delete, update notes. Note customization options through color,labels & priority, with custom filters.
Socket-UI: Component Library
Socket-UI is a Component library that provides readymade, beautiful and responsive components to fast track any website's development.
Gogo new tab extension: New tab extension
A Browser Extension which enables the users to develop a productive outlook towards day to day activities.
Webpack Template: Webpack starter configuration
webpack-template is a webpack configuration to create modern javascript web applications.
Event loop, Microtask, and Macro task
React Portal and Tooltip
Javascript hoisting
Grid vs Flexbox